Sunday, January 22, 2012

Dad's laugh is the best!

When I was very small, I think maybe six or seven at the time, I wanted to make a play about the nativity scene. It was the middle of the summer, if memory serves me right. I was in my room, even going so far as to write it down in a crude format, most of the words being misspelled (peas instead of peace, and the like.) David came in after I'd started and gave me a hand. He even helped me to finish it.

Now, some things to take into account was that neither David nor I had ever studied the bible in any way, aside from what little we were told about it, being raised in the bible belt and all. So, we thought the Angel of the Lord was a girl... Oops.

So, with the script written, I grabbed a plastic storage box (one of those big enough for children to fit inside) and put it in my doorway as a stage, set up chairs for my family, got my cast of stuffed animals ready, and waited for my audience.

Here's roughly how it went:

Dad and David sat in the chairs in front of my stage while mom viewed from across the room. Mary and Joseph (played by dogs) were plopped onto the stage. Mary said, "Joseph, I'm having the baby. I think its a boy." Out from behind Mary, I shoot out a tiny pound puppy to play the role of the baby.

In come the three wise men, played by other dogs and the shepherd who was maybe a bear. Then, from the sky flies down the angel of the lord, who was a bunny, and says, "You must named the baby 'Jesus'."

Joseph says, "I wanted to name him Bob."

...Dad actually went to the floor laughing on that one.

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